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Chrysotile, the main constituent of asbestos, is a fibrous natural mineral that has been widely exploited and used in various applications. Since the 1980s and more intensively in the 1990s, the exploration and application of asbestos has been questioned due to the risks to human health. In this scenario, several countries have banned its production and use.

Fiber cement products, building materials, auto parts, industrial components, among several others have asbestos in their composition.

The greatest risk associated with exposure to asbestos is the inhalation of its fibers, which can lodge in the lungs. In Brazil, Standard NR 15 (Unhealthy Activities and Operations) regulates asbestos exposure activities in the workplace and determines that the maximum concentration allowed in the workplace is 2.0 f/cm³.

The mapping of materials and installations containing asbestos is necessary for effective management of their associated risks. For this management, EBP can assist your company executing the following activities:

  • Asbestos Inventory: buildings, equipment and installations preliminary assessment on-site audit to identify materials that may contain asbestos. Materials samples collection is performed by a specialized team, respecting safe procedures, and sent to laboratory analysis for confirmation.
  • Hazard Mapping: field surveys, with samples collected at identified points are analyzed and compared as to their location and human occupation.
  • Air quality monitoring: in many situations the air monitoring of asbestos fibers is a necessary and preventive measure for your employee’s health. For quantitative assessment during asbestos removal, air quality monitoring campaigns should be carried out according to applicable technical standards (ISO 16’000 - 7:2007(E) Sampling strategy for determination of airborne asbestos fiber concentrations; VDI 3492).
  • Removal Plan for materials that contain asbestos in their composition: the plan establishes appropriate criteria and technical parameters to be observed when handling, storage and final disposal of waste containing asbestos in its composition, in order to protect the environment, physical integrity and occupational health of the professionals involved in the material handling operations.
  • Management and Technical Supervision of Asbestos Removal Works: Management and   compliance with technical, environmental, and occupational health and safety standards. The main services offered in the environmental work management are:
  1. Planning and management of planned works
  2. Removal Plan of materials that contain asbestos in their composition
  3. Technical Supervision of the activities performed (manpower management and safety)
  4. Occupational controls of activities
  5. Elaboration of a final report on the completion of the services

Removal and final disposal: the complete service of eliminating the risk by removing the components must be carried out by specialized teams, stored and sent for proper disposal.