Environmental Audit
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Environmental auditing is an instrument for determining the nature and extent of all areas of environmental impact of an existing activity. Environmental auditing identifies and justifies appropriate measures to reduce areas of impact, estimates the cost of these measures, and recommends a timetable for their implementation.

EBP carries out the following types of Environmental Audits:

- Environmental Audit Phase 1 (Preliminary Environmental Assessment): audit aimed at assessing possible contamination and impacts on soil and groundwater. You can follow two guidelines: DD-038/2017/C (for the State of São Paulo) or NBR-15.515 – Part 1 (for other Brazilian states)

- Asbestos Audit (Asbestos): consists of the audit and analysis of possible materials containing asbestos in their composition, which could generate occupational risks.

- Compliance Audit: aims to verify compliance with environmental legislation.

- Environmental performance audit: Evaluates the performance of production units in relation to the generation of pollutants and the consumption of energy, water and materials. Due diligence: Used in the merger/spin-off/acquisition process to identify environmental liabilities. It usually follows the ASTM 1527-13 guidelines.

- Environmental management system audit: Evaluates the EMS performance, the degree of compliance with the requirements of the standard used and whether it is in accordance with company policy. The standard used in most cases is ISO-14001.

The preliminary environmental assessment is carried out based on available historical information and site inspection with the objective of identifying potentially contaminated areas (PAs) and suspected areas of contamination (AS), nomenclature adopted by NBR 15.515, or identifying source areas (AF) and sources (F), in accordance with the nomenclature adopted by DD-038/2017/C. The execution of the preliminary environmental assessment carried out by the environmental auditor allows:

- Collect information about each AP in order to support the development of the next steps.

- Document the existence of evidence or facts that lead to suspicion or confirmation of contamination in the areas under assessment.

- Establish the initial conceptual model for each area of ​​environmental assessment.

- Verify the need to adopt emergency measures in the areas.

- Prepare the preliminary environmental assessment report pointing out measures to be adopted.

- Preparation of the Confirmatory Research Plan.