
While the Canton of Zurich’s Spatial Development Office is responsible for all design plans for gravel extraction areas and landfills, various cantonal offices and agencies also participate in the process. We worked together with those responsible from the specialist departments to identify the challenges of the process and sought solutions in working group meetings. The aim was to standardise and optimize the relevant internal procedures.


Our services

  • Identifying the main challenges through targeted interviews with the specialist departments involved
  • Conceptualising, moderating and taking minutes of working group meetings
  • Consolidating feedback and input provided by the technical offices and agencies
  • Participatory standardisation of internal procedures
  • Creating an addressee-orientated final report and guidelines for external communication
  • Creating a model structure for design plan regulations
Verfahren und Instrumente bei Kiesabbau- und Deponieprojekten (eigene Darstellung)
Procedures and Instruments for Gravel Extraction and Landfill Projects (figure source: EBP)
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