
Einsiedeln is developing an agglomeration program for the first time in the 5th program generation. We are supporting both the district of Einsiedeln and Canton Schwyz with content conception. The content is based on the municipal spatial plan being developed at the same time. The aim is to present a coherent urban and transport development to the federal government that takes landscape aspects into account, and to formulate measures supporting this goal.


Our services

  • Designing the agglomeration program on the basis of the municipal development plan
  • Preparing a situation and trend analysis, a vision of the future, the need for action and sub-strategies to supplement the structure plan
  • Developing planning measures in the areas of settlement, landscape and transportation to supplement the structure plan
  • Preparing measures-related documents and corresponding maps
  • Coordinating the efforts of the district and the canton

Picture Credits: wikipedia.org, Mark Longair, CC BY-SA 2.0 DE