
The aim of the project is to expand the Schlosstal clinic complex to enable improved clinic operations and the administration of modern healthcare sequences. For its part, EBP will plan the load-bearing structure, the foundation and the construction pit using building information modeling (BIM).


The expansion of the Schlosstal clinic complex on behalf of the clinic operator Integrated Psychiatry Winterthur centers on the construction of a new wing that will enable the clinic to provide the latest healthcare sequences and to improve and streamline its operations.

Doing without a basement level to simplify construction

The new wing is a four-story, solid structure building with a shallow foundation that was made possible in spite of a decision to do without a basement level. In addition to reducing the cost of the project, this decision will help to preclude complications associated with possible archeological finds. Part of the wing also spans a broad passageway without the use of columns. Moreover, nearly the entire load-bearing structure is to be completed with recycled concrete.

Load-bearing structure captured as a BIM model

Our approach to the project was model-based, i.e. the entire load-bearing structure was captured as a BIM model at an early stage. We were also able to use a number of IFC models provided by our planning partner, which helped to streamline our joint efforts. Mapping of the clinic grounds enabled us to precisely determine the excavation volume and to gain a better understanding of general spatial orientation.

Picture Credits: EBP