
Cantonal officials are planning to restructure Lucerne’s Cantonal Emergency Services Agency (CESA). Working on behalf of Lucerne’s Cantonal Department of Justice and Security, we examined the CESA’s existing organizational structure, developed various alternative structures, and submitted a number of general recommendations for improving the agency’s operational cohesion. Lucerne’s Government Council used our findings and recommendations as a basis for selecting a new organizational structure implementing the necessary measures.


Our services

  • SWOT analysis of the CESA’s current organizational structure, including interviews with cantonal experts
  • Examination of alternative organizational structures established in other cantons, including interviews with the respective CESA executives
  • Drafting of a vision and a mission for the future CESA
  • Establishment of criteria by which to assess three alternative organizational structures
  • Organization and execution of project-group workshops
  • Collation and presentation of our findings and recommendations to the Lucerne Government Council
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