
Around 25 percent of Graubünden’s overall economic output is generated by tourism. Our study outlines the tourism industry’s significance at both the cantonal and regional level. After conducting interviews with more than 30,000 individuals, we compiled our results in the form of an interactive web report. To promote clarity and an optimal user experience, the report’s contents are engagingly presented from the general to the specific. Our findings serve as an important basis for political discussion and for the further development of tourism in Graubünden.


Our services

  • Conducting over 20,000 on-site visitor interviews and 4,350 online follow-ups   
  • Surveying around 8,300 second home owners and around 1,300 businesses  
  • Modeling and calculating the economic impact of tourism
  • In-depth analyses for the Association of Graubünden Mountain Cableway Operators and other tourism organizations 
  • Drafting more than 300 interactive (and intuitive) data visualizations
  • Designing and publishing our study in the form of a user-friendly web report
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