
EDR Group (now EBP), as part of a team led by Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI), developed a Guidebook to Funding Transportation through Land Value Return and Recycling.  Produced for the Transportation Research Board's (TRB's) National Cooperative Research Highway Research Program (NCHRP), the guidebook was published as NCHRP Report 873. The team assessed both the financial impacts and long-term economic impacts of value capture techniques using methods developed and evaluated for this project. This builds upon prior work by EDR Group and TTI on value capture.


The report offers guidelines and methods for using value capture methods to help fund highway projects in the US, along with practical case examples. This project built upon prior EBP work on value capture that examined US and international experience. EBP documented successful implementation of a variety of value capture methods, including key success factors and economic development outcomes. The goal of the study was to provide state DOTs and MPOs with a better understanding of the process, likely outcomes, and benefits of implementing value capture initiatives. In particular, the guidance outlines how some value capture methods can be used to achieve the dual goals of (a) enabling the public recovery and reuse of some of the value created by public infrastructure investment, and (b) supporting more equitable, sustainable, and efficient outcomes by encouraging “highest and best use” development.

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