
For the Transportation Research Board's (TRB's) Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP), EDR Group (now EBP) served as the lead for the "Economic Impact Case Study Tool for Transit" (Report 186). The report presents the results of a project aimed at creating the prototype for a searchable, web-based database of public transit investment projects and their associated, transit-driven economic and land development outcomes. This information is intended to inform future planning efforts for transit-related projects, and to support better multi-modal planning.


This TCRP project builds upon a database established for highway projects under TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) called Transportation Project Impact Case Studies (TPICS). The purpose of TPICS is to provide transportation planners with a consistent base of data on actual, documented economic and land development impacts of completed transit-related investments, along with descriptions of the nature and associated factors of the impact.

TCRP cover


The report covers the design and development of the case study database and web tool and includes a set of seven prototype case studies. The web tool and prototype cases can be found at http://transit.tpics.us.

Final Report